Sacks Glazier Franklin & Lodise Partner Meg Lodise Installed As Chair Of California State Bar Trusts & Estates Section
September 28, 2010
LOS ANGELES, CA – Margaret Lodise, a partner with the trusts and estates litigation firm Sacks Glazier Franklin & Lodise , was recently installed as Chair of the California State Bar Trusts & Estates Section Executive Committee at the State Bar’s 83rd Annual Meeting in Monterey, CA on September 26, 2010. Ms. Lodise previously served as Vice-Chair.
“The section provides important services for our members and for the public at large and I’m privileged to be serving as Chair for the coming year,” says Ms. Lodise. “I look forward to working with the executive committee and section as a whole to further awareness of significant legal issues in the trusts and estates arena and to fulfilling the section’s role in providing education to trusts and estates attorneys, and the community.”
As Chair, Ms. Lodise will oversee the activities of the section subcommittees. Those subcommittees are charged with providing education to the section’s members, monitoring, drafting, and critiquing legislation affecting those areas of the law which have an impact on the trusts and estates field, and providing services to clients and the general public, such as the educating seniors program which provides valuable education to seniors to help them to find proper estate planning vehicles and avoid scams. Section membership includes more than 6,000 attorneys with interests and expertise in Estate Planning, Income and Transfer Taxes, Trust and Estate Administration, Trust and Estate Litigation, Incapacity (including Conservatorship, Guardianship, and Elder Law), and Ethics.
Ms. Lodise is also a Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, past Chair of the Trusts and Estates Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and is a former President of the Women Lawyers’ Association of Los Angeles. She serves on the Board of Trustees of Pomona College and on the Board of Governors for the City Club of Los Angeles.
As published in The Recorder, NLJ Legal Pad and Metropolitan News.