Terry Franklin Joins National Organizing Coalition On Virus Information Distribution
Partner Terry Franklin has been invited to participate in the National Organizing Coalition On Virus Information Distribution (“NOCOVID”), a non-partisan coalition of state and local government leaders, storytellers and entertainers, doctors and pandemic experts, health communicators and data analysts, historians and influencers. The group will communicate to all Americans – where they live, through people they trust, and in words that speak to them – the most current health, economic, and social facts and techniques to defeat COVID-19.
The NOCOVID mission was launched in March 2020 when political analyst James Carville called on foundations to fund a unified response that would bridge the country’s political and socioeconomic divides – “a Dream Team made up of top leaders from Hollywood, technology, advertising, public relations, polling, and behavioral psychology” that would target “every micro-slice of the population.” Since its founding, the NOCOVID coalition has grown from eight to approximately 60 members, who examine complex issues such as the threats to civil liberties and privacy posed by contact tracing.
Learn more in The Washington Post article “Social media influencers put the coronavirus in the spotlight.” (Subscription required)