Estate Planning and the Will of Lucy Sutton – Terrence Franklin Guests on HE SAID, HE SAID, HE SAID Live

Partner Terrence Franklin was a guest on HE SAID, HE SAID, HE SAID Live, a weekly broadcast streaming on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, with a look at the world from the perspective of three seasoned Black men. Franklin discussed “Estate Planning and the Will of Lucy Sutton,” his awe-inspiring story of how his life changed after he learned of his fourth great-grandmother’s emancipation from slavery in 1846 due to proper estate planning. Franklin addressed how the negative effects of most legal policies and practices have a disproportionately greater negative impact on people of color, and particularly Black people, and why it may be especially important for Black people to be aware of the importance of planning for death, disability, and illness.

Watch the interview here.